Monday, September 26, 2005

Feet of Love Dialog

Well, takes a bit of coordination, but the action is simplicity itself. The only problem is logistical, getting the stuff to warehouses, then distributed for a good price. It's still Capitalism, Baby!

Okay, say I buy mine. What's next? And, excuse me, but as a male I don't think I'd feel comfortable wearing the damn things.

That's a parenthetical. Not germane--always a problem when you talk to poor or overeducated persons. Let's cut to the core. Of action! Put these on. Just a loaner.



As I predicted, no.

Never mind. Here's the first proposition: We're bringing democracy to Iraq. Now jump up and click those ruby red slippers together! Show you believe in the magic!

Like this?

Great job! Number two...

That sounds right.

Tax cuts for the rich spells magnificence for the rest of us. Magnificence! Jump! Click! Become pretty and flashing! And magnificent!

All right! Wow! Much higher this time. I'm putting too much into this, though I like the clicking sound..

Lazy! Work!

I'm already tiring, but mostly feel like a fool. Is there an end of it?

We hold many propositions, all self-evidentially true. Among these are...but I'm stopping here because some folks have died in tests. In a hoppin',
dancin' ruby-red frenzy.


Not the early ones. Those poor Bangladesh-ers didn't understand a word. And were they piss-poor dancers!--just no natural rhythm among muds.
At a dollar a day you'd think one or two jumpin 'jivers'd turn up. But give me back them slippers. Ain't Socialism yet, Shitbrain.

The lunatics run the asylum.

Point of view. It's all point of view! If we get the bucks you can say anything you want. Impotence never fucked Mama.

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