Tuesday, September 13, 2005

One Minute of the Hearing

Leahy lectures Roberts on the Constitution. Sounds like yelling.

Roberts looks like trying to pass a hard stool.

Seriously, what a long time to sit, at 50 the prostate strangling.

Patience! his ideologues inhale.

--Cue sucking sound--

I'm against him because he slights the constituencies where I have friends. Women and gays and plants and animals.

Plus he'll find the judicious philosophy to pump the dangerously distended blimp of privilege. The massive shadow over the American landscape.

(I'm pretty sure it's time that the nation started all over.)

And boy oh boy oh boy did he polish up the handle of the big brass door! Whew! And polishing, he listened. So carefully.

And now he's poised to close the circle on the dictatorship, having like so many, Uriah Heaped his way. Fulfilling the original intent of the
country club porch.

--Cut to sound and fury, shlock and awe. The mall--

Looks like a revival meeting as many Democrats roll over and play dead, the corporate Holy Ghost having descended.

--Cue "Let's All Gather by the Treasury"--
(earmarked in your hymnal)

I'm using roll over etc as a figure of speech. I've never seen a Democrat literally do it.

GE, as an example, could tempt with a biscuit large enough, and the trick could be performed in a small TV studio, say.

I'm not asking for humiliation on any large scale. Only that the literal catch up to the figurative.

With Roberts, the opposite process.

--Bring up Chorus, big--

"Your Mother would want you to say something nice!"

Okay, Roberts is able at a time when most of the Executive Department of this country couldn't make it through the 7-11 Training Program.

(Let's not take this easy snideness too far. George Bush would have become a personable manager indeed. You'd look forward to seeing him as you caffeined up of a snappy morning.)

Ah what the hell. I'm practicing my Heil. Fake it when they come with their clean court order.

Only a citizen, they can lock me up and throw away the key right now. The Fascists don't even need Roberts up on the perch for that.

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