Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Gas protests block roads in Europe. None here.

Diverse folks march against the war. And that's something!

But why are most Americans so docile? A dictator's dream-mass?

I asked my high-minded idol, Professor N.

"It's the continuous fucking by the rich and their slimy Washington courtiers.
No time to breathe, gaze into the middle distance, be sad, and, finally, think."

Revolution? Blood in the street? Takeover of the capital by junior officers?
Congress told to go home and steal there?

"All overdue."

I don't think I have the courage or energy to...

"No matter. It's inexorable."

An FDR will materialize, save his class by saving others!

"FDR types will be arrested. Any American can be detained indefinitely and not even charged.
Our Bill of Rights is the joke of the world. "

Wow! Could get scary for the rich.

"Their Praetorian Guard will steal away one by one, and they'll be murdered. Bet the house."

"What's your advice to them now?

"Join your companies in Bermuda. Form organizations there with other traitors."

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