Sunday, November 27, 2005

What the Future Holds

Max Tresham Glaxo, serial philanderer, has agreed to be shot by his wife on Fox Television.

“She nabbed me again, on DVD yet, and I can’t go through another gang of lawyers or rehabs. I’m sexed out and rehabbed out and lawyered out and finished! Been hell of a slide!” a sleep-deprived Mr Glaxo exclaimed from his new west side bachelor apartment, looking more ruin than Romeo.

“We’re talking class here,” stated Fox VP, Randall Nucker, at yesterday’s press conference, “physician in attendance, and I’m lining up Albany Philharmonic.”

Wronged wife, Ruth, intimated that she has just taken delivery of a custom Glock handgun, silver-filagreed with a spiral of crosses after her favorite charity, The American Red Cross. “I wanted Salvation Army too, but they sign off on anything to do with firearms.”

When the live show will air remains somewhat uncertain. “After the kiddies go beddie-bye for the night, that’s for sure,” remarked Nucker off camera. If you have to pixilate everything,
what’s the use?”

Target Max proves remarkably cool to his place in television history. “Hey! Give the old broad her shot,
and Fox its ratings. Who gives a crap about anything?”

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