Friday, April 14, 2006
The man exposed himself
verbally to another
man, who, knowing Truth,
led him to renounce all
previous & get whole
hog for God. Went there-
after ‘round with benign
¼ smiles, once belt-
ing his wife for her
interest. She fell back
into the ranks, a soldier
for Christ. The Good News
bears propagation as a form
exalting the Female
as conscientious
verbally to another
man, who, knowing Truth,
led him to renounce all
previous & get whole
hog for God. Went there-
after ‘round with benign
¼ smiles, once belt-
ing his wife for her
interest. She fell back
into the ranks, a soldier
for Christ. The Good News
bears propagation as a form
exalting the Female
as conscientious