Saturday, June 03, 2006

GOP Shit-Swim

-C'mon in! It stinks but
y’get used to it,can be-

come connoisseurs in
fact. And some matter
glistens like coins!

Like melting doubloons
at gorgeous sunset. Ah!

"But we're most of us
Democrats." -Hey! More
you stand there,more scabs
you'll hafta pick off.

A few dive in,bob brownly.

-Won't regret...not completely.
And at the end,a bridge
named for you that your boys
can bring their friends to.

Turds may float by your nose,
but a grateful nation will
someday paint you pure with-

in the growth called History.
And those of you even now turn-
ing your backs,you aesthetes,

could wait interminably for
the next,fragrant wave.

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