Monday, June 26, 2006

International Diving Contest Now Being Held in Germany

AKA The World Cup, contestants grimace most in reacting to imagined pain.

Pretty much, only feet may be used by rule. This leaves the hands arms and elbows free for any dirty trick conceivable: white players being allowed to hold black ones, as an example, since the latter are unjustly rapid.

Still, the former are faked out of their shorts when opponents do get loose. Religious persons might ask God why whites were created to be so slow.

Generally, such a state of non-action persists on the pitch that drunks riot in the stands and elsewhere just to stir things up.

These are chauvinists and nationalists who can actually drink enough to change sides without knowing it.

Some in the United States watch grass grow, but this is an individual rather than a team sport.

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