Tuesday, August 29, 2006

5 & The Apprentice

-The other college kids are zealots. I want realists like you.
Now,show me newest picture of unworthy opponent!


-We’re done done done done done!

-Hmmm. It actually has Old Masters’ composition. Nice.

-I’m not worried about that. That dog’s death is worth thousand votes!

-Crying looks genuine...and big floppy Lab in his arms almost as big as he is!

-We're dying dying dying dying dying!

-Take a time out,and then–you done it before!–pull a rabbit out of the hat.

-Can’t can’t can’t can’t can’t!

-Oh, come on!

-Okay,then. On...edge of hyperventilating. Okay okay okay okay okay,
how many kids has our guy?

-You’re kidding,right?


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