Sunday, August 06, 2006
Evolving Question
Before she acts,modern
woman might ask how
does this square
with my Feminism?
In past behaviorial
eras,question,if artic-
ulated,might be how
does this square with
my covert feminism?
Ideas percolate up
through granites.
At any time one
can reach you. Will
you redden,lash
out,or welcome?
NIMBYs form in
among those
moving in.
Before she acts,modern
woman might ask how
does this square
with my Feminism?
In past behaviorial
eras,question,if artic-
ulated,might be how
does this square with
my covert feminism?
Ideas percolate up
through granites.
At any time one
can reach you. Will
you redden,lash
out,or welcome?
NIMBYs form in
among those
moving in.