Monday, August 28, 2006
What They See Around Them
Kids’ sites feature Colbert.
His shtick: poker-faced
depictions of inane Right,
their Patriotism miraculous-
ly compatible with Profit.
(Would Jesus,tipped,clean up
on hot defense stocks?)
Some other stereotyped
characters lie with-
in his repertoire. Most
especially pussy re-
courtiers like the nervous
Osric. Flitting so to please,
Hamlet mused he begged per-
mission of the Mama’s tit.
Why do youngsters like
such vile display? Easy.
Shows adults complete-
ly full of shit. But
a meat-ax! Brutal
to the 10% who aren’t.
Kids’ sites feature Colbert.
His shtick: poker-faced
depictions of inane Right,
their Patriotism miraculous-
ly compatible with Profit.
(Would Jesus,tipped,clean up
on hot defense stocks?)
Some other stereotyped
characters lie with-
in his repertoire. Most
especially pussy re-
courtiers like the nervous
Osric. Flitting so to please,
Hamlet mused he begged per-
mission of the Mama’s tit.
Why do youngsters like
such vile display? Easy.
Shows adults complete-
ly full of shit. But
a meat-ax! Brutal
to the 10% who aren’t.