Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Buffalo’s Radio “Birddog” Interviews Rocco after Democrat Landside

-Good afternoon Buffalo! Well,the day after. Pick your adjecive. Stunning?
Bloodbath? Anyway,Democrats sure won. I’m in front of Celebre's in my
old South Philadelphia neighborhood. Just had an egg and pepper sandwich
with childhood friend Rocco. We are on the edge of the stadiums here.

-Go Eagles,Flyers,Sixers,Phillies!

-They booed Santa Claus,the Philly fans!

-End that myth! We threw snowball at him!

-You are the most fire-breathing Democrat I know. But,you must realize
that Republican gloating stuck in the craw of millions,and yesterday
was payback.

-No gloat.

-Good! Adult. A step towards really addressing the country’s problems.

-Let’s get on with it. Together.

-In that spirit,what would you say to Republicans?

-I’d ask.

-Then what would you ask?

-Would you like crow with that shellac?

-Not clever.

-Doesn’t hafta be.

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