Saturday, January 06, 2007

The Bottom Line

-Who's out there in offices?

-Just Jerry, a vice president.

-Then you'll hafta do it!

-Uh uh. You hammered that I must make that meeting and
give your five points, or how many!

-Yeah, I remember.

-Besides, speaking frankly--which I have for twelve brutal years:
cash to your mistress? That's personal business.

-Be company business if she sues. Our stock will plummet.
Survey shows more than half of our shareholders go to church.

-Well...a locked attache case. He just delivers. Maybe he'll buy that.

-What's he VP of?


-Tell him that'll be first thing gets the ax.

-He still might not do it.

-Special favor to me?

-I don't know, he...?

-He'll do it.

-You sure? How can...?

-I know such things.

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