Monday, February 19, 2007
Botch, Fox, and Scotch
-I don’t hafta say off the record to you. You’re from Fox,
our Pravda.
-I’ve worked elsewhere. We do the bidding of the boss.
But they let us dress the windows.
-We’re going down in flames, Boy! This fuckin Iraq! Fuckin little
one-horse war and the voters can’t wait to kill us again on it.
Egged on by the dopey media. Knee jerk Liberals!
-Not many agree with you.
-Come on! Average of two, three soldiers killed a day.
What’s that? Oh I know I can’t say this, but blacks zap
each other at a faster rate in fuckin sunken New Orleans–
hey I’m a poet!
-They’re our American kids, the soldiers I mean.
-Every firm takes some losses. They don’t cry about it.
They go on.
-Even I find that cold.
-Well, gotta have the guts to be cold. That’s where greatness
comes from.
-My editor’ll skin me if I don’t ask you if you’re running again.
-Shit no! Looks like The Democrat Party, they’re picking some earnest young professor.
Purity to slay the dragon. Couldn’t find his ass with both hands.
-You won’t reconsider?
-Can’t get the war stink off me! What I owe to Bush and Cheney. They should have nuked...
-Iraq back to Stone Age?
-Shit! They’re in that now!
-Well, you can point to some accomplishments.
-Yeah. I came in poor and leave rich. Bet your ass that means accomplishment!
-You’re a patriot. They can’t take that away.
-First sensible thing you said.
-I don’t hafta say off the record to you. You’re from Fox,
our Pravda.
-I’ve worked elsewhere. We do the bidding of the boss.
But they let us dress the windows.
-We’re going down in flames, Boy! This fuckin Iraq! Fuckin little
one-horse war and the voters can’t wait to kill us again on it.
Egged on by the dopey media. Knee jerk Liberals!
-Not many agree with you.
-Come on! Average of two, three soldiers killed a day.
What’s that? Oh I know I can’t say this, but blacks zap
each other at a faster rate in fuckin sunken New Orleans–
hey I’m a poet!
-They’re our American kids, the soldiers I mean.
-Every firm takes some losses. They don’t cry about it.
They go on.
-Even I find that cold.
-Well, gotta have the guts to be cold. That’s where greatness
comes from.
-My editor’ll skin me if I don’t ask you if you’re running again.
-Shit no! Looks like The Democrat Party, they’re picking some earnest young professor.
Purity to slay the dragon. Couldn’t find his ass with both hands.
-You won’t reconsider?
-Can’t get the war stink off me! What I owe to Bush and Cheney. They should have nuked...
-Iraq back to Stone Age?
-Shit! They’re in that now!
-Well, you can point to some accomplishments.
-Yeah. I came in poor and leave rich. Bet your ass that means accomplishment!
-You’re a patriot. They can’t take that away.
-First sensible thing you said.