Friday, February 23, 2007
European Accent Interviewed on CSPAN
From a “Think Tank.” Such
sludge voices used to be wretch-
ed Lefties pre McCarthy. At the pres-
ent, march they for Empire:
Rat a tat tat tat!
Young parents!
Huddle with your children as
you must for tornadoes.
Their blood being currency
for much exalted theory, like
Iraqi boys and girls, getting
blown apart for such
From a “Think Tank.” Such
sludge voices used to be wretch-
ed Lefties pre McCarthy. At the pres-
ent, march they for Empire:
Rat a tat tat tat!
Young parents!
Huddle with your children as
you must for tornadoes.
Their blood being currency
for much exalted theory, like
Iraqi boys and girls, getting
blown apart for such