Thursday, February 22, 2007
Fourth Estate
-Patting a stripper on the ass not news
for him. Now painting her tits
with honey and then...?
-We are all of us honorable men!
-Park your high horse outside.
I got kids in private schools.
-We’ve become money
changers in the temple.
-Yeah, some fanatic chased us out but
we’re back with a particular vengeance.
For truth and horror and the Arcadian woof!
-Back? Nobody’s outside.
We ARE the temple!
-Shake any buck and some dirt flies off.
Grownups know this like their own shit.
-Goo goo gah gah I quit!
-Again? You’re not allowed. Much crying
wolf locks you in place and thus
you fit the tenor of the entire country:
Righties jerk off to knowing your place.
-Appropriate. My whole life is jerking off.
-You just need a girlfriend.
-So they prattle. So when you get one
it proves to be a fully human being.
-Bummer. Though once you learn to screw
your friends, your path it showeth gold!
-I will quit. You’ll make me. Corroding!
-Hey! What can I say? I’m Everyman!
-Patting a stripper on the ass not news
for him. Now painting her tits
with honey and then...?
-We are all of us honorable men!
-Park your high horse outside.
I got kids in private schools.
-We’ve become money
changers in the temple.
-Yeah, some fanatic chased us out but
we’re back with a particular vengeance.
For truth and horror and the Arcadian woof!
-Back? Nobody’s outside.
We ARE the temple!
-Shake any buck and some dirt flies off.
Grownups know this like their own shit.
-Goo goo gah gah I quit!
-Again? You’re not allowed. Much crying
wolf locks you in place and thus
you fit the tenor of the entire country:
Righties jerk off to knowing your place.
-Appropriate. My whole life is jerking off.
-You just need a girlfriend.
-So they prattle. So when you get one
it proves to be a fully human being.
-Bummer. Though once you learn to screw
your friends, your path it showeth gold!
-I will quit. You’ll make me. Corroding!
-Hey! What can I say? I’m Everyman!