Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Triple-T H

-What you're famous for!

-Shhhhh. What was the official name? I forget.

-Me too. It hadda have Operation in it, and Freedom.

-Yeah. The other words you can take from a hat.

-Well, we'll miss you!

-Forced back to private sector cuz I’m goin broke here!
Even with the graft, couldn't pump up enough bucks.

-You're kidding, right?

-Less than you know.

-Well you slid us to the war. Even got the Commie New York Times
on board.

-My hierarchy starts with Bush, then God, then Me. I do anything
the first two want! They say shit! I say what color?

-That's what makes a great American if you ask me.

-You're too kind. Well the new guy has to smooth the way to Iran.
But might as well keep our informal name for new campaign also, yes?

-Right on! And I do mean Right. Triple-T H forever!

-As I bow out among friends.

-Yup. Ten Thousand Tons of Horseshit!

-That's the campaign, not me!

-You're always funny!

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