Thursday, July 12, 2007
An Aspect of History
-This tribe never had a ghost dance.
-Then what’s that thing we do for the tourists?
-William River-Widens put that together after a fierce binge. Then he
stopped drinking. Just died at 102.
-Gotta drop those quaint names! Corny!
-He called it The Dance of the Murdering Europeans.
-We’re selling one hell of a lot of jewelry.
-Won’t say a word.
-This tribe never had a ghost dance.
-Then what’s that thing we do for the tourists?
-William River-Widens put that together after a fierce binge. Then he
stopped drinking. Just died at 102.
-Gotta drop those quaint names! Corny!
-He called it The Dance of the Murdering Europeans.
-We’re selling one hell of a lot of jewelry.
-Won’t say a word.