Monday, August 20, 2007


Setting Bluebird Café, a sort of university

-That's a good one. They got Ay-rabs sneakin’ in Mexico and
then comin’ here.

-I'll check that stoop field outside town. They still wearing their robes?

-Just the grimy Spick clothes like the illegals do.

-Arabs in the artichokes, hey?

-Not the worst of it. They'll be a wave of queers joining 'em: mark my words!
And then another one of--

-Wearing dresses?

-Niggers! From the cities! Why we're buying more guns n’everything!

-I gotta close my eyes to see. That there's one crowded vision!
Like parts of the Bible, but with rocket launchers.

-And I ain't forgetting the Jews neither!

-But they hate the Arabs. How they gonna get along?

-They'll figure it out. All of ‘em will. Anything to make our kids all faggots!

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