Thursday, September 20, 2007

Seldom Is Heard a Discouraging Word

-So, retirement at hand. How much have you stolen?

-Millions, give or take.

-Mostly take!

-Untrue. Exchanges.

-That frank! Aren’t you afraid I might...?

-Off the record has always meant that with you. Besides, “stolen”
is one broadbrush term. I helped; many were grateful.

-And yet history will see you as a potent, unflappable, usually
principled legislator. Unafraid, outspoken. Patriot! One of the greats!

-Don’t see the anomaly.

-Did you ever send money back as coming from too
tainted a source?

-Never! I always just said I’ll do what I can do. That was often
a lot, but was sometimes nothing.

-God it’s so very befuddling!

-Not so! Train stop before this one is Boy Scout and Girl Scout Station.
Anyone welcome to get off there.

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