Thursday, October 04, 2007

GOP Operatives, Again

-This is a quiet room. Say whatever you want and in any style.

-I do that anyway.

-The question on the table is: How can we further lift the obscenely rich?

-Fuck ‘em!

-Have you gone over to the Dark Side?

-Slash their taxes and they kick back a percentage that’s less than they give
the waiter at their club! And they’re stiffing him too.

-What do you suggest? “Here’s your tax cut and we’d like it back!” ?

-That and more! We enrich them and they screw us!

-Give is a repugnant verb. Republican, not.

-And you’re funny. Not! We’ve showered these obnoxious pricks with bushel baskets of money, and now the Dems lead us in fund raising.

-That is a serious problem. Okay, what’ll we do?

-One-on-ones where we talk turkey.

-These are the hardest, toughest people in the world. That won’t move ‘em.

-Then just a hint how we’re sidetracking certain investigations?

-Blackmail, is it?

-Three quarters of these fuckers should be in prison anyway!

-That’s your fraction is it? Well, you’ve always been conservative.

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