Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The Captain

-I got her Baby Doll Nightie. Cuteness squared, and unstoppable turnon. Yeah!

-What does Missus think?

-We don’t go into detail about each other’s private lives.

-Marriage of Convenience?

-Most of the time. Hey! She’s my partner! Have President in for booze and cookies and she can really lay on the shit!

-Belay that as it may, Baby Doll’s Victoria’s Secret stuff from sweatshops.

-Clever language! Why you’re mid-level forever. Anyway, like, I give a flying fuck about their sweatshops? Just pretty, scanty panty-pyjamas...and advertising.

-And what’s she advertising?

-I’m still finding out.

-You sound fortunate.

-It’s not without complication. You plow ahead.

-Indeed! Fearless Captain of Industry!

-Something like that.

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