Tuesday, February 05, 2008

GOP Philosophers

-Republican party stands for hierarchy. We know our place, individually.
So, no chaos.

-I don’t know about all that.

-Look! I’m the honcho for this county. When I go to state headquarters I know where to sit and what to say. If I’m pitching for something they don’t want up there, I’m respectful and humorous.

-You kiss ass.

-Well, you reduce it to that phrase. But...I accept it.

-Is that how you got to where you are?

-Exactly! And way you’ll get here when I go higher. As a matter of fact, why you’re here now!

-I resent that!

-Resent all you want. We all know how the toast is buttered.

-There’s more give and take than all of that, no matter what you say.

-As much as I allow you; as much as State Chairman allows me.

-Uh uh. Model’s too cut and dried.

-That’s why it’s a model. Now no more theory, we got fuckin election to run.

-Yeah, how do we suppress the niggers this time?

-Why the traditional way! We’re Republicans.

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