Monday, April 14, 2008

Founders Day

-I tried not to go on too long. And keep my speech to actual experience,
not hogwash theory.

-I liked that part, Sir, but I’m afraid I find myself in opposition. I’ve signed on
to help those pygmies your farming operations displaced.

-That’s progress. Nobody can stop it. We have excellent relocation programs
down there, though. We’re supporting those little folks, really!

-They’re starving. It was in the Times.

-Left! Left views. Simply not true.

-That’s not my only source. But excuse me, Sir, I’m being rude. You’re here to get your award and I should not even begin to rain on your parade. Forgive me.

-Thanks for your interest anyway. I’ll make a cell call and straighten this out
toute suite !

-Jenkins! Goddamn you. I was hung out to dry here! Tell me why I’m not feeding my jungle niggers!

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