Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Political Crisis

-The public is demanding...!

-The public isn’t demanding a fuckin thing, and if it did, it’d have no fuckin
idea what it was demanding.

-But even in The Post this morning...

-Well there you have it. Those who feel they somehow represent the public,
or their protoplasmic gripes, are clambering over the expected rungs.

-But, many media are in our corner.

-Paid help. Chambermaids. Some of the pasty males even look like chambermaids. Wide-hipped queers.

-But we don’t really pay...?

-Just a few directly. Others in favors and flatteries. At any rate,
like a child is pushing a pile of plates at us: at a certain point
we must stop him.

-Sounds menacing.

-It might come to that, but we’ll diffuse this angry time with a commission.

-And they’ll get to the bottom of things?

-They’d better not. We have a cadre to choose from. Some have little brands
for independence. Uh huh?

-I sense a whitewash.

-It won’t seem that way, and the final report’ll be beautifully written.

-Does that make a difference?

-All the difference in the world. We stand for art in this way.


-Greasy, sleazy slobs make something beautiful.

-More beautiful than truth.

-Anything is more beautiful than truth.

-Truth is politics in drag.

-I wish I said that. And I’ll claim I did.

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