Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Shelf Life Near Expiration–-2 Independents Converse
-Did you ever see such a gang of lying, thieving scoundrels? Under God that is?
-Well, not since Harding.
-Hey, Teapot Dome was the ladies’ singing society next to this multitudinous
mess of larcenous frauds.
-They do like war, and wearing flag pins in lapels.
-Yeah, that takes guts all right. Talking up patriotism as Uncle Bert snares
the body armor contract...and kicks back.
-Cronyism never this bad. Ever!
-Hey it’s unrealistic not to expect some, but the Irish beef-faced nephew
the Boston mayor put in charge of the Streets Department could at least
run the fuckin thing.
-And brawl with anybody even questioning him.
-Different world.
-Yeah. More open chicanery and fewer references to The Almighty.
-When each dies from this crop of Republicans, they’ll screw him
into the ground.
-As long as it’s under a flag canopy.