Sunday, June 01, 2008
-I think Lulu has had a silly-ass puppyhood around the barnyard.
-She’s a clown all right.
-Well, she starts herding tomorrow.
-Roscoe won’t like that!
-Breaks my heart. But it’s time.
-Just a dog, Carl!
-Smarter than most fuckin humans you ask me!
-Lulu’s quick. Won’t take outing or two. And then?
-Rosco’ll hafta stay home. Rest of his days.
-He won’t eat. He’ll mope.
-It’s time, Goddammit! I hope my sons do it as well when it’s mine.
-Rip will. He’ll put a beer in one hand and a sandwich in
the other and say. “Kitchen’s your base of operations now!”
-And Benny?
-He’ll say, “Hired men know what to do. You worry too much!
Call me in a tee time, Dad.”
-And Rip won’t stay! I know it!
-Nope. He’ll get a spread ten times larger, and throw this one to Benny!
-Man it all seems hopeless!
-You and Roscoe all right!
-I think Lulu has had a silly-ass puppyhood around the barnyard.
-She’s a clown all right.
-Well, she starts herding tomorrow.
-Roscoe won’t like that!
-Breaks my heart. But it’s time.
-Just a dog, Carl!
-Smarter than most fuckin humans you ask me!
-Lulu’s quick. Won’t take outing or two. And then?
-Rosco’ll hafta stay home. Rest of his days.
-He won’t eat. He’ll mope.
-It’s time, Goddammit! I hope my sons do it as well when it’s mine.
-Rip will. He’ll put a beer in one hand and a sandwich in
the other and say. “Kitchen’s your base of operations now!”
-And Benny?
-He’ll say, “Hired men know what to do. You worry too much!
Call me in a tee time, Dad.”
-And Rip won’t stay! I know it!
-Nope. He’ll get a spread ten times larger, and throw this one to Benny!
-Man it all seems hopeless!
-You and Roscoe all right!