Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Tea Partiers ripen,
elected to office, find
some few attendant con-
undrums not so delicious-
ly partisan. Retire in a huff
to Hilton Head, shoving out
The Jews. Not as
forceful as all that.
More of a Gentle-
men’s Agreement
gradually, smilingly
enforced. Good
Will bristling.
Tea Partiers ripen,
elected to office, find
some few attendant con-
undrums not so delicious-
ly partisan. Retire in a huff
to Hilton Head, shoving out
The Jews. Not as
forceful as all that.
More of a Gentle-
men’s Agreement
gradually, smilingly
enforced. Good
Will bristling.
Labels: Gentlemen's Agreement, Jew, Tea Partiers