Friday, May 07, 2010

How Wall Street Works

-You have a stake in your house, naturally, so you take out
fire insurance. I have none but I take out fire insurance too.
On your house!

-You’re betting it burns down!

-Precisely. Just a side bet, nothing meant by it. A flyer.
A long shot.

-Unless you help it burn in some way.

-I'm not an arsonist!

-Yeah, but what if fire department passing out brochures:
Ten Ways to Prevent Home Fires ? Pretty young woman rookie. Wife invites in for cookies and tea and you say,
"Hey I'm going over there in a little while. I'll give him the brochure.” Knowing you're going to trash it.

-That's so vague, small, and amateur. I should be able to come up with something heftier.

-But legal?



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