Saturday, July 24, 2010

Decorators on Home TV

They do make the dreary
less so with touches
I'd never dream. But,

often contemplating
Tolstoy's Ivan Ilyich ob-
serving his promotion by

getting fancier digs &
dressing them a la mode.
Every pot on message. In

short, utterly luxe &
fiercely individualistic--
like everyone else.

Inpatient to achieve this anemic result,
he hangs some drapes, a task far
below his pay grade, falls,

bashing his side. Big C posts domestic
saga from here on, & poor, grave Ivan
inches along smelling of dirt. Indecorous

death, as it must to all, finally comes
to him, & Charles Foster Kane,
and will you, Rosebud.

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Rooooooseeeebud. I've been watching Orson with his cigar, explaining the nature of theater to Dinah Shore:
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