Sunday, July 25, 2010

Higher Advice

-So here we sit, twin cliches in a cloudbank.

-Well I don't like that! But I do like the language of it.

-And after the arduous journey, the harrowing climb
up this mountain, you toss me a chestnut my old aunt'd
crochet in a sampler?

-That's all there is in essence.

-And I'm to take this back and...?

-If the foo shits...

-Add lame humor to my monstrous defeat!

-Just turning words a bit. At any rate, you harbor such endlessly falling shelves of griefs and guilts and spites,
I thought that...

-Already wasted too much time. And thus, the return
to brutal existence. Until, again, I can't stand choking up
the gorge further, and embark on another journey.
To another such as you!

-May I come?


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