Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Where It's Heading

-Piled too high in the warehouses. Something falls
on a guy, we got Workman's Compensation nosing in!

-Don't want either. Workman hurt or government butting in.

-So, let's sell something? That's the revered model.
Not hoarding.

-Old model. Something new evolving here.
Buy another warehouse!

-As your accountant I'd like to snap you to your senses
by saying you can't afford it, but...

-No end to warehouses I could buy.

-Then how 'bout rent? I'll run the figures if you want but...

-Like to own things. You go there and it's all yours.

-But there's a limit!

-I don't think so.

-Can become a pathology!

-Don't doubt it. May I point out to you that I got rich
by being considered nuts.

-And you can add to your wealth by peddling what crams
your multitudinous warehouses!

-I don't think so. We'll see. We'll just wait and see.

-Like King Midas.

-Always a favorite!

-Perhaps you figure it’s great collateral for loans?

-I’ll consider that. When I get around to
considering anything. If.


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