Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Condo Board

-Using washer-dryer room for your unit is Tuesday. Yet you used the machines Monday.

-I moved in just a short time ago, and found I literally had nothing clean!

-Washer-dryer schedule was voted in unanimously. Did you not understand...?

-No one was in there, so I thought I could sneak in and–

-I’ve conferred with my colleagues and the sentence
is Death. Of course, you won’t be allowed to return
to your unit.

-I protest! And appeal!

-Not in bylaws. Sentence will be carried out by our retiree’s NRA chapter.

-Please! You can’t go this far. Absurd!

-Last fella thought that. He hanged up wet swimsuit
outside his window!

-Well that’s flaunting, whereas I just–

-Will you require blindfold? Minister is on his way from Arbor Building, Unit 5-E. He’s bringing video camera for your goodbye...give you chance to say something literary.

-I refuse to die this ignominiously!

-You got no choice. Without rules we have chaos!


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