Tuesday, April 19, 2011



-Well, how does that handle feel, Vandal?

-Comfortable enough.

-Back when we dug the music, we were gonna
change the world!

-I was willing, but then Dad died and Mom wifted
to Palm Beach. Nobody was running the outfit, so
I stepped in. I mean, leave it to the bankers, brokers,
and lawyers and you’ll be raped blind.

-Amen. I never stepped out. Even when we two shared
folkie wisdom I stayed on the phone with the family.
Now the blogs want us guillotined because we pay
no taxes–-allegedly.

-It's a complex picture and you can't really explain complexity.
It operates on Faith. And bribes.

-In one seminar in grad school, prof claimed economic show
we have now is unsustainable. Something’ll detonate!

-Revolution? I expect that. But maybe in ten, fifteen years.

-I'd say sooner. Huge marches on Washington, etc.
Turning violent everywhere! And our solders
and national guardsman won't fire on...

-That's where you're wrong. Thousands killed.

-Well, you can't kill everybody.

-Wrong again. You can. What's the difference? Get rid of
the bitching work force and bring Indian units in.
Our stability will come when most of the workers
are Indian.

-Man have you gone Right!

-Just factual. And I’m not playing the Trombone of Freedom
like the charlatans.

-O the humanity!

-Wide-gauged like this, you’re in love! A boy or girl this time?

-He’s a complete heartbreaker!

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