Monday, October 17, 2011


-I had signed up with Lawn Care For Pennies
when I discovered a top executive right here
in our pretend-affluent neighborhood!

-Let me know if the boys aren’t keeping things
florescent green.

-And a fellow drunk to boot!

-How bout some hair of the dog? What you got?

-Estelle just put in fancy-pants liqueurs. Any hope in
that bunch?

-If you wanna puke, yes.

-Well let’s whip something up with a few ingredients
of a drier variety.

-Old is better.

-I had a question last week when you were incommunicado. Cell phone off.

-Working on hush-hush something in Far East.

-Anyway, I reached the 800 number in Calcutta.

-Globalism for better or for worse.

-Guy was helpful and mega polite. Oxford accent.

-I'll look into that. We specified American.

-I think it's more pleasant, sort of a lilt.

-Then I'll give your our UK number when you
give me a drink.

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