Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Other Shoe

The man upstairs at my hotel on Lake Ware was noisy.
At about 2AM he dropped one clunky shoe.

Unfortunately I suffered a massive stroke then.

During the Great Recall of 5076, I was revived and,
as you can imagine, had to hear that other shoe drop,
so went to The Sound Registry as soon as I could.

After it played, granting me closure, a message charged
the surrounding air concerning Bisbee Landsome Hocknach,
74-term Republican Congressman, that he:

“climbs trees at night to blow sleeping apes.”

When I got home, my computer flashed that I was under
house arrest for generating that description.

I pressed my Law Button and was informed by my team
that they were having the order rescinded immediately.

They explained that since I was part of the Great Lobotomy Section of the Great Recall, I thereby lost the projecting
area of my brain.

I never missed it and don't now. Without it I’m safe forever.


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