Saturday, December 10, 2011

Fool to the Church

He read the letter as he dawdled outside Dr Abernathy's office.

"The old aristocratic saw was that the family sent its fool
to the Church. God help us but that's you. More to the point,
it's your absolute last chance. At least on my dime.
Drs Abernatathy and Swilp inform me that you're earnest,
and the finer theological points will come."

Once admitted by secretary “Icy” Eva, he felt reassured, for Abernathy smiled under massive eyebrows of snow. "That last moment of your sketch for the all-college diner? Your lisping What a meff, Iztopholez!" Wife and I still chuckling.

"Nothing offensive anywhere, I hope."

"Put your mind at rest. Even divines laugh and can
take a joke. What I really wanted to ask you...well to recommend something I could read...lend a little wit
to my sermons. Which are dull, I'm afraid.
And expected to be so." He frowned. Whitely.

"Couldn’t go wrong with Shakespeare for starters.”

“Ah yes! An hour a day. Lovely set in the rectory. Thank you.”

Later, skipping down a fertile lane, he told a mockingbird. “Send the fool to the church, by God! Then swooping from side to side of the pebbly surface, he imitated an airplane: “On his dime! On his freakin dime! If you got the freakin time, Shadrack, I got the dirty money. Check! Contact!
Now then, shall we bomb the Japanese?” The mockingbird
lost itself in a throaty staccato followed by majestic trills. “Those paper houses. Whoosh!”

He sat on a sun-baked rock. “Mr M-bird, no more
beautiful day ever! Ever!” Loam and roses carried on the breeze. The oaks stirred overhead. “It couldn't possibly be surpassed! Never!”

Now the girl from the inn made her quick way, skirt
swinging dapples.


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