Monday, March 26, 2012


Dems Send Diogenes to GOP Confab

White robe cinched with
blood red rope (though,
modern lantern). Class act,

at any rate! Thus understood
by Prescott Withers and Soapy

Kleet who bribe him
to reverse course to

the Democratic meeting
at The Hotel Mel Sturgess.

The TV crew hasn’t set up, so
Kleet shoves Miley Days and

cameraman into the taxi with
Diogenes. She kisses Prescott
prior to departure--he owns

the station. “So I’m still looking
for an honest man!” gets

screamed on lurching away.
It commences to pour rain.

“Well good luck with all of that!”
toasts Billy with silver flask

as the lantern’s LEDS skitter
along the soaking pavement.

Prescott demurs a draught.
“My stomach!”


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