Wednesday, October 31, 2012


What Makes Partners Run?

-Hail to you thou Corporate Jew!
The sheep line up for fleecing.
More aggressive ones to the fore!
Only God could’ve made such a  world!

-Will it bother you that I'm not Jewish?

-Bother me? I haven't been bothered
since I just missed jail time on another
scheme-dream. But that was amateur and
this, professional perfecto!

-Confidence always worries me.

-In measure, dear un-Jewish Sir. In measure.
We’ll make the suckers wait a bit. Pockets still open.

-Are you worried about new laws?

-Nah. The Republicans get bought immediately, Democrats give homilies 

first. But it's all the same.

-In the Catbird Seat, huh?

-I like that! He sings the last song he heard
with his whole heart! As if it's his own.

-Sorry...but things going too well. I'm for hedging some bets.

-Hedge? Fine! Run that thing right and it's the
biggest scam yet devised by man.

-You don't object if we gain some things sort of morally?

-No way! I've been to church. Give that a 

shot too. You do what you have to do.

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