Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Hooray for
"Plot involves hairdresser, let’s call him
Bruce, because cliches are easier to deal 
with this morning. Anyway, what he 
learns from his clients lays the ground-
work for his second career: Cat Burglar!

Anyway, get me a masculine actor. 
I’m sick of these pseudo macho men 
who camp it up because they’re afraid 
we’ll think them queer.

How about Relitzky? Uh huh, yeah, I know. Brute! He eats steel and shits bullets!

Are you finally through? Too hard edged? Couldn’t sell Bruce? 

Yada yada yada! No empathy there at all?

I...uh...wouldn’t worry about that. 
I know him better than you.  

And his wives. 

(Sings) And the boy he left behind him,
where the River Drava flows.”

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