Thursday, November 08, 2012

Natural Meds

From the topmost limb
of the Diddle-Doodle tree

when birds excrete and
apes lumber, comes a par-
ticularly curative leaf.

$10,000 a pound.
Kids clamber up
for a dollar a basket.

Our entrepreneurs
give over preaching

of Free Market to
show it in action.

The host country, though,
not impressed and ex-
tracts payola mucho.

Consumer Reports
eventually cries Fraud
from A to Z. Scientists

are marshaled
to challenge them.

And patients relieved
from flaming rectum

or GERD testify of miracle. But
FBI cites production chain where
they find the leaves trashed and

sugar cane ground for
the terrific mix instead.

If they give a Nobel for sleaze,
surely an American will slide
through for win. Take pride.

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