Friday, November 02, 2012

When Our Office Mgr Vacations,

ocean remains calm
per directions, am-

bient air as Gold-
ilocks, therefore
not warm nor chill.

Later mountains likewise
behave, filling his camera

with pixelled serenity of
repetitious snowcaps
replacing flat seas.

Even the wildflowers
order themselves in-
to a spinster’s garden.

Last, though, Vegas,
where women
find him

out. Ditto booze,
cornucopia drugs
and Blackjack.

He has returned, boy-
babbler of high exploits
at bed and table. Office

runs itself, with predict-
able results. When half

the copiers bust at
once, we push rehab
on the now-depressive.

Of course, the exact record
re Vegas’d help psychiatrists,

but he sold the camera there,
and scrubbed the chip of sin
for a concluding whack at it.

Well, long story short, how
he’s carted away and half

the down copiers
suddenly race!

We learned it’s all of it
Karma, Baby!

Business model, in any case,
more discrete. Thus, probably,
Karma, Colleague.

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