Saturday, July 27, 2013


How the French Do It

Chapter 4½

The wife of the Pharmacist left with the son
of the woman who owns the  small hotel.

His Renault running badly, he put his attention
mostly to it.

She came back by train.

Her discussion with the pharmacist never leaked.
He spoke to no one outside work anyway. And to her,
infrequently, at the shop.

She spat “that foolishness!” though quite rarely,
with girlfriends.

The young man resumed helping his mother at the hotel
and tinkered with the Renault.

The village called him “The Old Man” when his hair
turned white shortly after.

Marcel’s brother remarked “He was unprepared
for such an adventure.”

(Said brother has his own name, but continued use of this label makes us forget it.)

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