Monday, January 20, 2014



Blind Justice

Bell apologized to Supervisor Reddly. It was a foolish mistake,
a brain fart, but trivial. And he caught it quickly, and corrected it.

Evidently not so trivial, since a guard appeared, and Bell was
told to fill the proffered cardboard box and walk out with him.

“That’s not a firing mistake! Nowhere near! Did he ask you to
blow him and you refuse?”

Bell didn’t know how his friend, Chunks, came up with things!

But Chunks wasn’t to be deterred. “They count on nice guys
doing nothing. Well, not this time!”

Soon he was on the phone with National Overall Personnel,
and his intense drama got a hearing scheduled in three months.

At the hearing, a completely different charge was read out,
which was okay with Bell, since he had forgotten the original one.

His two attorneys, male and female, had negotiated the change.

The complant, when detailed, involved one, Carruthers, at a
different work locale in another city.

He whispered this mistake to the attorneys, who told him they
were going to let it slide, since this Carruthers was very active
socially, and volunteered for everything. That would sound
good in Bell’s defense.

He forgot most of what he heard in the three day procedure,
and the government lawyers were sarcastic as to his
misty answers.

His male advocate asserted: “Mr Carruthers has lost his mind
due to the cruel and baseless and entirely erroneous charges
feloniously leveled against him. The Red Cross and Salvation
Army and scores of others will experience a great loss if he
cannot recover.”

His female lawyer acted out a drama where a bum is rescued
near a Salvation Army Kettle, and becomes the mayor of an
Alaskan town. She shivered in carrying out both parts:
Kettle Attendant and bum.

The room enthusiastically applauded, and she bowed shyly.
The Judge called for order, but she, too, was crying.

Bell won the case and was reinstated, but at Carruthers’ job
in the bottling plant. The foreman there, Rip Kelley, laughed
“What the fuck’s the difference what anybody’s called?”

Bell, though, was somewhat sad that the real Carruthers had
been disappeared.

“Hey! Luck of the draw!”  Chunks told him. “Besides, they’ll
probably get a young guy marked for periodic eradication, and
plug him in as you. So everybody wins!”

“Not Carruthers. "

“He has gone to a happier place!” Wasn’t that the crap
the leaders once peddled in the dark ages? Anyway, what’s
the difference? Today’s shit just as bad! By the way, what’s
your first name?”


“Oh? Fancy-shmantsy! Gonna start wearing Calvin Klein

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