Saturday, February 08, 2014


Switches, Petty and Profound


The magnetic fields had switched again, and when Mix called
Cliff to tell him he'd be late, his odd boss had answered
the phone “Saludos, Amigos!”

A Skip-Puddle was in the garage instead of his Largesse,
but that would probably be temporary.

When he got home that late evening, Carol had been replaced
by a Janine.

"We don't really know how long this is for, so let's get to bed
and get used to each other," she maintained--had proved
a great fit for all of Carol's clothes before he arrived.

Carol texted him in the little car the next morning. "w/roger
3x man. nvr cmg bk!"

When he got to the plant, it was padlocked.

MOVED TO ULTRA MEXICANO said the sign. "No one allowed in," the guard told him." Mix said just as well: only had some junk and his departed wife's picture. “Not another one gone for good? Alls I get is new ones all the time. No luck. Most of the websites say it's your fault: you're spose to bring flowers and candy even if you don't know who the hell they are!”

He concluded that “All the men anyways is women nowadays.
We should screw ourselfs!"

The tiny car had fortunately morphed into a new Largesse Max2,
and Mix whistled all the way home. Old tunes from the early 3000s.
He hadn't whistled in years, but the all-receiver announced the
magnetic shifts over, and Janine was awesomely sexy. She kept texting him twisted stick figures, which blinked red in the 

head-up display.

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