Thursday, March 06, 2014


Inside Academia


-Brilliant guy! Publications, TV regular, star at conferences,
the whole smear! Teaching awards up the wazoo!

-Yet he couldn't be promoted at the University?

-He could have died after staying in place for thirty years.
Assistant Professor and that was that!

-I'd leave!

-As he did. Gracing a junior college, would you believe?

-And got promoted?

-Not at first. Nosed out by Professor of Auto Body Repair.

-You are pulling my leg out the door and down the street!

-Uh uh. And the field isn't as hammery-smashery-dirty as
you'd imagine. At least his side of it: Aesthetics and Philosophy.

-Well, that part sounds like bullshit!

-He should transfer to University in that case.

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Taken from real life, without doubt.
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