Saturday, September 27, 2014


The Wealth of Nations

Mrs van I was more than pleased to see Proprietor
Dolph tending bar. Would insure a proper evening
for her friends.

One irritation though, some black Major in
nondescript uniform.

“Can you do something?” she asked Dolph.

“Once, yes. Now, looking at prison.”

But he proved to be funny. And, even, cultured.

Clincher: Sent a bottle of Dolph’s best French champagne.

As the evening swam, she confided in Dolph, “I’m becoming
a Liberal, despite myself.”

Lillian, their youngest member, eventually asked for, and
was granted, permission to leave with the dark person.

But had to promise to phone after noon.

If sex, detail.

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Too many rules in the 1% to be bothered with em.
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