Saturday, November 15, 2014


What’s It All About?

Hodge, Belsky, and Dred told Lou they couldn’t stand
hearing anymore about A.

A was a person or an idea, possibly both. Retellings grow
fuzzy with time.

Lou answered then: integral part of him! He couldn’t surrender
it or him or her or whatever!

Well, mature people iron things out, compromise. Thus, Lou
could talk somewhat less about A?

Uh uh. He left, never to be seen again. Immature, some say.
But, stuck to his guns–-whatever on Earth they were.

Most who flee are heard from again, or someone spots
them on a street or at a ballgame. Or kids go to conferences
and ask about parents.


Not a great loss?

Who can tell?

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Friends can stick their foot in it, too.
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