Sunday, February 08, 2015



A Short Time

Lots of frenetic activity of all sorts,
and weakly creative lying.

Cynthia told Bart: “Why don’t we
just stop?”

And they did.



So, who'da thought?

JJ -- a pallid flower with a soft way
and a wit to match. Once just missed
the Olympics in Softball. Catcher,
and quiet Generalissima.

Q -- her husband, the sort you'd call on
if a gate broke away from rusty hinges.

MT -- a man usually playing the machines
at their club...with some fire.


Well, now, JJ a Passion Flower?

Come ON!

MT was eventually transferred to a far city.
Asked to join him, JJ laughed.

The modern way seemed to tell your husband,
so she did. The lover, inept, she confessed,
proved an asshole-idiot altogether, and with
sixth grade conversation skills.

He refused to believe it, but then turned cold.

Counseling? Of course!

The practitioner, a professional woman, very
nearly curt.

She couldn't bring Q to talk much, but JJ
approved the apparent direction of things.

It was evolving, alongside other troubles
being revealed, to being mostly his fault.

Though she knew the affair, at least, was
entirely hers--and embarked on with a silly
sense of experimentation--she, naturally,
went along with the counselor.

Husband complained he was being ganged
up on, but started admitting minor deficiencies.

She knew more of the burden would pass to her
in subsequent appointments, so tried bringing
the tight counselor close to tears.

It worked every third session or so.

A good average in Softball, reasoned this pallid flower.


Max and Dilly in Casual Conversation 
re a Breakup of Friends

-An affair is a cry for help, of course. Much is wrong and must be talked out, however painful

-You got that last part right!

-But, there is a bottom line, and one person is being

-Come ON!

-Horribly so!

-Maxy, you’re so fuckin old-fashioned!

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