Sunday, May 24, 2015


Charging Towards Perfection

Her Mind

Glor told Mark it was over, so he returned to his wife
and babies.

And to Ice! No, really. Ice Storm of the Century! Thus,
with Nelly at night school, he sat in the empty house
as it lost power, and contemplated both his lust and
fetching the children the following day from her mother's,
aka Dragon's Lair.

Glor, or course, had simply changed her mind. Again.
The voracious sex lasted five months this time, and Ralph-
the-Mechanic had won the pool at Kippy's Kool Kup, since
it didn't go six.

She became busy writing tiny missives now, to leave in the produce
section of the Acme. To be read by Cal, the young manager.

Poems actually, though lost to posterity when dumped into the
wrong box, of old TV Fan Magazines, by mistake.

One endured. The best one, luckily. Placed in oranges.

Try someone new!

Clever lads find such poets, and Cal not long after rented a
bungalow on Appletree Lane.

Glor, this time, went total domestic! Aprons, Apple Pies, even his
lunchtime visits proved more flouncy, though hurried.

"She has found happiness at last!" proclaimed the Professor from
his canted stool at Kippy's.

But, she changed her mind. Lasted over a year though, and no one
won the pool.

Last--in the secular realm--a  cyber millionaire installed her among
the old Pac Mens and a roller rink in his loft apartment-office.

He supplied her with iPhones and iPads no mattter how many she lost.

But...that life was not for her. All the WORKING while pretending it's fun.

She had changed her mind. Since the pool had rolled over, it became
even more interesting when the commissioner ruled that the cyber-guy one was improperly set up. So, another rollover!

Serious money! And he also ruled that anyone who stayed must
throw in an additional hundred. No one left, harder on the Professor,
since the state recently halved his retirement check.

The rules this time: One was to write a two-word depiction of Glor's next move.

Accomplished, and placed in the greasy tub that Slippery Skinny
had brought from the Roxy after devouring the popcorn therein.

When she announced, the new contents would be solemnly 

brought out.

She did!

And the winner was Nun, Nepal.

Glor said Thailand, but the commissioner ruled close enough!

Hector Watts, the deathly quiet accountant, took home a couple

of thousand or so!

Actually, Glor, ultimately rejected both exotic locales--"Stinking
long ride on a stinking airplane!"--for Jersey City.

Mother Superior Veronica-Marie was taken by this serial sinner
with a burning vocation!

Everybody always was infatuated by our Glor, the Church only
the latest to break down.

And such a novice! Holy too small a term!

Well. Okay. This one not profaned by a pool, but she, uh,
changed her mind before the point of no return. Again.

In a first, went back to the Cyber Dude. There a third of
the floorspace devoted to her painting studio with its
garish abstracts, and Super-Morning-Six has interviewed
her and shown her work.

We are not surprised, having seen her artistic side with the poetry.

Good Morning America wanted to come in too, but she
snubbed them at the last minute.

Too immersed in painting her life. Her Life! LIFE!

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