Thursday, June 11, 2015




Hopsey Cranow halted in midsts of outdoor tables at Beanie’s Grind, a 'Worldly Coffee Emporium.'

Trucks huffily contended through fetid pools in this rundown industrial slice.

“Oh the precious poopie of it all!”
wisecracked he to strangers. "Croissants in wildly miraculous variations! Coffee to gag a maggot! 
All alone? Try a scone?"

Whereupon a Gryphon traversed the bags of Sumatran in the shop, flew out through the open window,and seized him by the throat.


Detective Andrew later asked Brett and
Undine of Columbia University to describe it.

“An enormous flying entity, particularly

They knew was a Gryphon, of course,
but awaiting Good Morning America
in order to reveal such.

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